3 Quotes & Sayings By Schwaller De Lubicz

Schwaller de Lubicz (1912-1997) was one of the greatest French esotericists of the 20th century. A student of yoga, he wrote many books on sacred geometry and esoteric philosophy, including The Temple of Man (1966). He was also a professor at the Sorbonne in Paris, where he taught courses on Hermeticism for over thirty years.

It is certain that such a revolution in thought - that is, such an expansion of consciousness, such an evolution of intelligence - is not the result of a whim. It is in fact a question of a cosmic influence to which the earth, along with everything in it, is subjected. A phase in the gestation of the planetary particle of our solar system is completed. Gaston Bachelard observes, in this connection, what he calls “a mutation of Spirit.” A new period must begin, and this is heralded by seismic movement, climate changes, and finally, above all, by the spirit that animates man. . Schwaller De Lubicz
The impulse to all movement and all form is given by [the golden ratio], since it is the proportion that summarizes in itself the additive and the geometric, or logarithmic, series. Schwaller De Lubicz